Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry

As den­tal aes­the­tics is beco­ming ever more popu­lar, most pati­ents pay spe­cial atten­ti­on to the appearance that their tee­th con­vey. Cos­me­tic den­ti­stry helps pati­ents to have more beau­tiful, per­fect tee­th and an attrac­ti­ve smi­le.
Cos­me­tic den­ti­stry encom­pas­ses a wide ran­ge of tre­at­ments. Most of the pro­ce­du­res are mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve. Fol­gen­de Lösun­gen der kos­me­ti­schen Zahn­me­di­zin wer­den von unse­ren Pati­en­ten genutzt, um den Zustand ihres Lächelns zu verbessern.

  • Tee­th whitening
  • Com­po­si­te fil­lings, cera­mic inlays
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Smi­le makeovers
  • Com­ple­te reconstruction

Teeth whitening

Tee­th whitening is one of the most com­mon cos­me­tic tre­at­ments. It makes tee­th appear a few shades ligh­ter. Bleach is gene­ral­ly used to achie­ve the desi­red result.
Over time, dis­co­lo­ra­ti­on can slow­ly chan­ge the color of tee­th. This can be cau­sed by ciga­ret­te smo­ke, cof­fee or tea, or even the food you eat. Poor den­tal hygie­ne can also lead to dis­co­lo­ra­ti­on. Tee­th whitening is a rela­tively quick pro­ce­du­re. Some pati­ents may expe­ri­ence slight tooth sen­si­ti­vi­ty imme­dia­te­ly after blea­ching, but this should subs­i­de within a few hours. Pro­fes­sio­nal tooth clea­ning is recom­men­ded about a week befo­re bleaching.


Den­tal veneers are very wide­spread. The­se are essen­ti­al­ly thin lay­ers of cera­mic or com­po­si­te bond­ed direct­ly to the front of the tee­th. This opti­on is gene­ral­ly recom­men­ded for pati­ents who have mul­ti­ple tee­th that need to be restored.

With veneers, you can crea­te a com­ple­te­ly even smi­le if you have seve­ral dis­co­lo­red, cra­cked or chip­ped teeth.

Lab tech­ni­ci­ans crea­te the cera­mic veneers on the basis of a digi­tal impression/​scan of your mouth. A fol­low-up appoint­ment is requi­red to bond the veneers to your teeth.

Com­po­si­te veneers can occa­sio­nal­ly be com­ple­ted in one day. We model the mate­ri­al on your teeth.

Smile Makeover

A “smi­le make­over” refers to a series of pro­ce­du­res that aim to impro­ve your smi­le. The­se can include any com­bi­na­ti­on of the den­tal pro­ce­du­res dis­cus­sed, inclu­ding crowns, veneers or tee­th whitening.