
The importance of dental check-ups

Ever­yo­ne knows who to go to in the event of a den­tal emer­gen­cy: the den­tist. But do you also know that den­tal emer­gen­ci­es are not the only reason for visi­ting the den­tist? Regu­lar den­tal check-ups are essen­ti­al for your health.

Visit your dentist 2x a year

The­re are seve­ral reasons why it is important to visit the den­tist regu­lar­ly. First, den­tal exams are neces­sa­ry to keep your mouth clean and dise­a­se-free. The­re are places in the mouth that are unre­acha­ble and more dif­fi­cult to clean, but pro­fes­sio­nal tools allow den­tists to pro­per­ly clean and exami­ne the­se are­as. For exam­p­le, you might miss tooth decay becau­se it’s hard for you to exami­ne your own tee­th thoroughly.

Also, oral dise­a­ses, espe­ci­al­ly tho­se that don’t have pain­ful sym­ptoms, are har­der to spot wit­hout the help of a pro­fes­sio­nal. Regu­lar visits to the den­tist mean that chan­ges in your mouth can be clo­se­ly moni­to­red, and they also help to detect dise­a­ses at an ear­ly stage.

Over­all, regu­lar visits to the den­tist great­ly con­tri­bu­te to main­tai­ning oral hygie­ne and health.