In-house dental laboratory

Quality from Berlin

Qua­li­ty is our top prio­ri­ty, made pos­si­ble thanks to our in-house labo­ra­to­ry in Ber­lin Prenz­lau­er Berg. We pro­du­ce all types of den­tal pro­s­the­ses our­sel­ves, and deli­bera­te­ly avo­id infe­ri­or impor­ted goods from abroad.

The qua­li­ty of our work isn’t the only thing important to us. We also sup­port the regio­nal eco­no­my by pro­vi­ding jobs for our high­ly qua­li­fied den­tal technicians.

Zahnarztpraxis Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg, Kollwitzstraße

Our tooth laboratory

Our tooth labo­ra­to­ry stands for expe­ri­ence, skill and craft­sman­ship. The clo­se coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween our den­tists and den­tal tech­ni­ci­ans means that we can car­ry out per­so­na­li­zed adjus­t­ments on-site to gua­ran­tee a per­fect result – wit­hout the long wai­ting times.

We manu­fac­tu­re crowns, veneers, par­ti­al crowns and inlays for high-qua­li­ty, aes­the­tic tre­at­ment. Even the smal­lest cor­rec­tions or per­fect­ly matching the tooth color is no pro­blem for us. Our con­stant qua­li­ty con­trol also ensu­res an opti­mal result with every treatment.

Among other things, our den­tal tech­ni­ci­ans produce:

Fixed dental prostheses

  • All-cera­mic crowns and par­ti­al crowns
  • Emax pres­sed ceramic
  • Cera­mic inlays and onlays
  • Zir­co­nia
  • Com­bi­ned den­tal prostheses
  • Teles­co­pic technology

Implant prostheses

  • Implant crowns and bridges 
  • Indi­vi­du­al cera­mic abutments
  • Implant super­s­truc­tures

Reconstructive anterior tooth aesthetics

  • Veneers 
  • Par­ti­al crowns
  • Ful­ly venee­red cera­mic crowns

Removable dental prostheses

  • Model cas­ting technique
  • Full pro­st­h­odon­ti­cs

Braces and splints

  • Night guards
  • Bite splints
  • Intra­oral sno­ring the­ra­py system