Pediatric dentistry

Pediatric dentistry

Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is important for buil­ding a trus­ting rela­ti­onship bet­ween the child and the prac­ti­tio­ner (tal­king about pre­ven­ti­on, coun­seling, den­tal supervision).

We advi­se brin­ging your child to us as soon as the first tee­th appear, usual­ly around their first bir­th­day. We’ll keep this first visit short and rela­xed, brief­ly check the health of your child’s tee­th and gums, assess whe­ther the milk tee­th have emer­ged, and advi­se you on the best brushing tech­ni­ques for your child. We recom­mend boo­king your child’s first visit at the same time as your own regu­lar check-up, so they can see that a den­tal check-up is a nor­mal, non-stressful expe­ri­ence. By intro­du­cing your child to us at an ear­ly age, you will help them to see going to the den­tist as a natu­ral part of their lives so that they feel com­ple­te­ly com­for­ta­ble with future treatments.

Pre­ven­ti­ve den­ti­stry puts your child on the right path to a healt­hy mouth and an attrac­ti­ve smi­le for life.