
What is periodontal treatment?

Peri­odon­to­lo­gy is the spe­cia­list area deal­ing with the tre­at­ment of the gums and the peri­odon­ti­um. One of the most com­mon dise­a­ses is gin­gi­vi­tis (hyper­sen­si­ti­ve gums, blee­ding gums, etc.), which, if left unt­rea­ted, can cau­se com­pli­ca­ti­ons and lead to pro­gres­si­ve bone loss, making tee­th unsta­ble until they even­tual­ly migra­te and fall out.

This can be pre­ven­ted by regu­lar brushing and pro­fes­sio­nal tee­th clea­ning every six months to remo­ve plaque and bac­te­ria that build up bet­ween the tee­th and gums. In advan­ced stages, the most advan­ced and pain­less tre­at­ments are per­for­med, allo­wing deep access to the root of the tooth wit­hout the need for sur­gi­cal inter­ven­ti­on. Exces­si­ve bone loss requi­res peri­odon­tal surgery. 

Visit your den­tal prac­ti­ce if you noti­ce any of the fol­lo­wing symptoms:

  • Loo­se teeth 
  • Blee­ding gums when brushing your teeth
  • Red, swol­len gums
  • Tar­tar for­ma­ti­on, and the suf­fe­ring that this soon causes
  • Bad breath
  • Gum reces­si­on
  • Fre­quent tooth decay